David & Rachel Fund

Dali Diamond Co. established an education fund in 1994, in memory of one of the company’s founders, David Morsel and his wife Rachel.

The David & Rachel Fund is coordinated by the Centrale, the institution that unifies all Jewish social and charitable organisations in Antwerp.  The fund offers advice, support and financial backing to start-up businesses and provides scholarships. It honours the motto of the late David Morsel: “Don’t give them a fish to eat, but teach them how to fish”.

The principle of alleviating poverty by facilitating self-sufficiency has a long history. The 12th-century philosopher, Maimonides, wrote about eight degrees of duty in charity. The eighth, and most commendable of all, is to anticipate charity by preventing poverty. Namely, to assist individuals or communities through either a considerable monetary gift or loan; by teaching a trade or a profession; or by finding means of employment, so that an honest livelihood could be earned rather than holding up a hand for charity.